Category Archives: Kamera Digital

Membahas tentang perkembangan kamera digital

Tips Choosing The Themes For Pre-Wedding Photo

Pre-wedding photos now as a must for anyone who is getting married. There are several themes including:
Find hobbies and interests you and your partner. For example, if you work as an architect, background of the photos can be a building that is you build or construction of a building.

Jenis-Jenis Jamur Tiram

Jamur tiram, selain beraneka ragam menu yang dibuat dengan bahan dasar jamur tiram, ternyata dibalik nikmatnya jamur tiram, banyak memiliki jenis warna yang indah : putih, kuning, pink, cokelat, dan abu-abu. Warna-warni dibentuk oleh spora. Indahnya aneka warna jamur tiram berkat Dr. Anton S.M Sonenberg ahli bioteknologi di Mushroom Research Unit Belanda, yang melakukan persilangan antar spesies Pleurotus. Hasilnya, muncullah berbagai warna jamur tiram, kuning, merah, abu-abu dan biru.

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Tips Mudah Memilih Kamera Digital Untuk Pemula

Jika saat ini Anda masih menggunakan kamera film, mungkin sudah saatnya Anda beralih ke kamera digital. Sayangnya, kadang membeli kamera digital dapat sama frustrasinya dengan mempelajari fitur-fitur penggunaannya. Dewasa ini, kamera digital  ditawarkan dalam berbagai bentuk dan ukuran.

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Choosing the right digital SLR camera

Choosing the right digital SLR camera is a complicated affair with a flood of its own brands and types of cameras on the market.There are at least 10 companies camera makers (Canon, Fujifilm, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Samsung, Sigma, and Sony) and a total of about 40 types of SLR.

If my father gives legacy lens 

Yes, if your dad gives legacy lenses from film era, this could change the decision. Some of today’s digital SLR cameras remain compatible with autofocus camera lens in the era of film. Brand digital SLR Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Minolta (now Sony) will be compatible with lenses that cater to their autofocus SLR cameras in the days of film. Bring your old lenses had to store camera to ensure compatibility with the camera to be purchased.

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